Update early-access 1.1.1 and game launch !
Breakthrough » Devlog

The game early-access will begin August 13th 18pm (gmt+2), here is the dense patch-note for the 1.1.1 version:
- Gold income dosen't depend on the monster's LVL anymore, so the player can better enjoy the bonus he got with blood and barrels
- It also make it way much more interesting to keep your change for the next level.
- Slighlty increased the number of projectiles gathered at lower level of difficulty.
- Reduced RNG of shop prices.
- Shop's green items are now grey, and vice and versa.
- Shop's grey item (previously green), malus is slightly less important.
- Shop's item armor bonus are nerfed.
- Shop's item max. health bonus nerfed.
- Shop's item energy regen are buffed.
- Shop's item's prices slightly less random.
- Easier difficulty setting made... easier.
- Big wolf (first boss) doesn't debuff energy before difficulty 5/10
- Pause time when receive damages increased (55ms -> 75ms) to further enhance the sensation of impact
- Various adjustement to the difficulties easy and easier (only impact the player stats).
- This should help for a better experience when not playing in standard
- At low level of difficulty (progression x/10): RNG is modified to help you loot interesting combinaison of items, this effect become null at difficulty 10/10
- Bloody room EXP is now taken into account for the boss lvl and the next level monster's lvl.
- Boss at level 1 of progression upped: strength 0.2 -> 0.3, life 0.2 -> 0.25
- Bosses health increased.
- Second boss now invoke baby suicide at every level and not only starting at level 5
- Second boss close combat attack damages greatly increased (strength coefficient: 0.25 -> 0.6)
- Shifted some of the armor of the bosses into health because DoT was too OP agains't them.
- At low level of difficulty (progression x/10): Slightlty increased the density of monster in the cave and the abyss
- At low level of progression, reduced the number of big spider, small spider, white wolves, black wolves, red blob, green blob, spawning in the forest
- Boss of the cave biome health increased by 80% at low level of progression.
- Third boss tentacle invocation now display a red circle to better warn of the danger zone.
- Display the grenade cooldown as a circle close to the character
- Display the items and spell currently active, and triggering each other.
- Display item description when gathering them
- Display "difficulty" on the difficulty notification
- Item description now show rarity color behind icon.
- If a notification is pushed before another is currently displaying, removes the previous notification and push the new.
- Improved the feeling of many monster's attacks by adding sound effects and animation, aswell as a screen freeze effect when taking damages
Bugs and Adjustments:
- Fixed bug where one more active item was unlocked than what was intended
- Fixed one dialog in the tutorial
- Fixed item description: candle, slingshot
- Fixed rare bug where exiting the game during a camera movement didn't reset the camera and the game speed for the next run
- Fixed bug that made able to spawn two wolves in the tutorial's third room.
- Fixed bug with controller that wasn't closing inventory after visiting NPC.
- Fixed problem with some controller that made opening an NPC interface close right away.
- Fixed Pen, Croissant, Toilet Paper Description.
- Notification telling you that you need to restart the run if you changed the difficulty in the options
- You need to end the tutorial before being able to play the game
- Receiving an attack while being immune no longer displays the visual effect of the attack and doesn't play the hit sound anymore.
- Added the possibility of displaying clickable message on the main menu Changed SFX when changing projectiles
- Lowered menu's button sound level.
- Improved and fixed tutorial's dialogs.
- NPC position on the room depend on the doors position
- Teleportation now occurs on the exact middle of the room
- Reduced the aiming range with controller to enable better accuracy with the grenade
- Music plays again if entering a fighing room after the boss is killed
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A great challenge await Clunky who just wanted to see the sunset behind the mountain.
Status | On hold |
Author | Faith |
Genre | Shooter |
Tags | 2D, Bullet Hell, difficulty, Roguelike, Roguelite, Singleplayer, Twin Stick Shooter |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
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